
NHAD runs several RAD and ISTD exam sessions per year so that any student who is ready and wishes to can take the relevant exam. Exams give students a goal to work towards and are a fantastic way of aiding progression by achieving each element of technique. However exams are not compulsory and students can move up without taking them. If students do wish to take exams the information will be emailed to you well in advance. The students are fully prepared for each exam and we make the exam day relaxed and enjoyable.

Girls Dancer Front Kick

Upcoming exams

Autumn term exams

ISTD 30th November and 1st December.

RAD November - exact dates TBC

Recent exams

During the summer term 2023 we held a large ISTD and RAD exam session. Our results were amazing and we are so proud of everyone.

ISTD tap and modern results included 13 merits and 38 distinctions.

RAD ballet results included 1 pass, 3 merits, 13 high merits, 6 distinctions an 1 high distinction.

Congratulations everyone on an incredible exam season.